Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What a Gob

I went to the shops to buy some digestive biscuits and milk. As I was leaving Ernie called out can you get some Radox…When I got to the check out having grabbed the last pkt of bicceys….the check out lady asked for 15 dollars I realised that there may not be enough on the card…I guessed right…So I said Take $5 from the card and I have $10 in cash… while I was waiting for the card to go through I looked at the items I was buying and started to consider which item to leave behind….Milk definitely not…So… radox or choc bicceys mmmm…. ordinarily I would have put the choc biscuits back but tonight I needed them for the photo shoot, I knew Ernie wouldn’t mind as he was going to be my model for the ’Dunking in the chocolate biscuits into the cup of tea shots’. Fortunately I was able to buy all three items.
I got home and made a cup of tea for Ernie and I, I then placed the biscuits on a plate and went to get my camera ready to take the shots…as I asked Ernie to start dunking and he looked at me with his mouth full, looking very guilty…I then looked at the packet and saw to my horror he had already dunked nearly all of biscuits and said he was full… So I made him force down 2 more (which he managed very well!)… and I got the shot.

Thursday, October 1, 2009